We are A Creative Web Design Agency with a Passion for Digital Marketing

UK Web Design & Development

UK Web Design & Development

Ossian Media provide comprehensive website design & digital marketing solutions. From our studio in Dundee, we bring strategy, design and technology together to grow your business.

A Dundee Web Design Company

Our capabilities

At Ossian Media, we’re not just a Dundee-based web design & digital marketing agency; we’re your digital dream-weavers. We piece together tip-top end-to-end solutions that turn online ‘meh’ into online ‘wow.’ With a focus on user-friendly designs, we build digital playgrounds where your brand and customers can happily co-exist. Our approach? Eyes on the grand prize but never missing the nitty-gritty. Consider us your creative co-pilots in this digital journey.
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Web Design & Development

Impactful web design for forward-thinking businesses at affordable prices.

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WordPress Web Design

Expert WordPress Solutions that Transform Your Online Presence, Drive Traffic, and Elevate Your Brand

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eCommerce Websites

Impactful web design for forward-thinking businesses.

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SEO & Digital Marketing

Utilise our years of SEO and digital marketing experience and stop losing business to competitors.

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Managed Web Hosting

WordPress, Linux, AWS, Cloud & Windows Managed Hosting. Built by hosting experts for optimal website performance

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Aftercare and Support

You’ve just launched your website, and you’re pumped! But wait, there’s more….

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Mobile App Design & Development

Turning Your Mobile Visions Into Pocket-Sized Realities.

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Branding & Graphic Design

Inspire your customers and build your business into a brand they trust and admire.

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It’s Time To Get Your Website From ‘Meh’ to Magnificent